Upcoming Events
Yearly Package Shipments
YearTotal Shipped
2024298 boxes
2023300 boxes
2022253 boxes
202190 boxes
2020429 boxes
2019619 boxes
20181189 boxes
20174163 boxes
20164227 boxes
20153978 boxes
20141509 boxes
20131342 boxes
2012956 boxes
20111024 boxes
20101006 boxes
2009873 boxes
2008356 boxes
2007519 boxes

Goal for 2025:
All that HOME can send.

Houston, Texas
Feb 11, 2025

??° F, unknown

Baghdad, Iraq
Feb 12, 2025

??° F, unknown

Kabul, Afghanistan
Feb 12, 2025

??° F, unknown

Mailing Address:

Help Our Military Endure
P.O.Box 57636
Webster, Tx 77598-7636

Physical Address:

17629 El Camino Real
Suite 100
Houston, Tx 77058

Mission Statement

HOME – Help Our Military Endure is a 501(c)(3) corporation organized for charitable purposes to send care packages to active United States servicemen and women serving in far off countries. This effort is solely supported by monetary and non-monetary donations collected from the general public along with businesses throughout the United States of America.

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends
John 15:13

Hand-written letters from soldiers. Click images to view larger.

Letter from Troy's Place Another Letter from Troy's Place Letter from Lt Col Mark Coakwell Letter from Eric Gibbs Letter from Amanda Hansen Letter from David Beutler

Read more letters from our soldiers.

Letter from SPC Edmond Crystal. Click image to view larger.

Hand written letter from a SPC Edmond Crystal

Read more letters from our soldiers.


I just wanted to share a few photos of the proud men and women you have touched.

Thank you ALL for your heartfelt generosity!

Our Post Exchange is experiencing shortages in every area due to the continued conflict with Pakistan. The majority of our supplies flow through its borders. Your "Care Packages" are providing our troops with the essentials plus morale building supplies that make our days bearable.

Camp Eggers thanks you for remembering us.

You all have made friends forever.



Read more letters from our soldiers.

Letter from a Soldier. Click image to view larger.

Hand written letter from a soldier

Read more letters from our soldiers.

On behalf of the 176th Firefighting Team I want to say THANK YOU!!!!! You are awesome!!!!! Thank you so much for the books, snacks, knit scarfs, knit caps, detergent, music, sadukoo, batteries, word searches, movies and everything else you have done. We had a great Christmas because of you and all the others who have selflessly taken the time, effort and money to care. It helps us to stay motivated while away from our families and friends when people we have never met care. It helps us to feel that pride we have for our great Nation when we feel your support. It is very hard for me to put into words the kind of gratitude and appreciation we have for you and everyone at HOME. We have been blessed by you and we know that in turn you too will be blessed. We love to read the cards and letters that are sent along with the care packages. We have recieved letteres from fellow veterans who have fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, and other areas. It is nice to hear their story and why they have come to belong to this program.

Everything you have sent to us is right on the money. We are doing great here and are preparing for a cold winter. They have told us that we should be getting some snow from now until possibly March. They say it will snow for a little then warm up and then snow again. This will be our first winter here. I will try to take some pictures of the surrounding mountains that have already started to be covered in snow. Every morning we have to check all the fire trucks to make sure the water didn't freeze in the pipes along with all of our personal firefighting equipment. Fortunately our days consist of mostly training and not much action. When we are busy it is usually somebody's worst day. We also help with building inspections here. We try to make sure that every tent and structure have the right amount of smoke detectors, extinguishers, and batteries for the smoke detectors. Because some of these buildings here are makeshift we check to see if we can prevent some hazards with electrical wiring and other potential hazards that might get overlooked. We also get to workout some. This is most of our favorite thing to do. We are looking into joining the 911 challenge for fitness. This is available to all fire, police, EMS, military personnel. The money raised gets donated to St. Jude's which is a group that has been supported by many fire departments nation wide. I don't know if we will win but it is always fun training for a purpose.

Again I want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your selfless service to us and to our Country. I hope you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please stay safe and feel free to email me at this address. I do not have constant computer access so it may take me a little to answer you so I apologize for that. I will promise that I will respond as quickly as I can.

Thank you so much.
With humble hearts,
176th Firefighting Team
POC: SGT. Seth Frost

Read more letters from our soldiers.

Our HOME Video

Channel 26 News Feature

HOME has shipped packages to the following locations around the world

Click image below to enlarge and view the red location markers.

How to Pack a Box

How to Tape a Box